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Tutorial 4: Build a zkApp UI in the Browser with React

You're making excellent progress in your zkApp journey:

In this tutorial, you are going to implement a browser UI using Next.js that interacts with a smart contract.


  • Make sure you have the latest version of the zkApp CLI installed:

    $ npm install -g zkapp-cli
  • Ensure your environment meets the Prerequisites for zkApp Developer Tutorials.

  • The Auro Wallet browser extension wallet that supports interactions with zkApps. See Install a Wallet and create a MINA account.

This tutorial has been tested with:

High-Level Overview

In this tutorial, you create a new GitHub repository so you can deploy the UI to GitHub Pages.

You use example code and the zkApp CLI to build an application that:

  1. Loads a public key from an extension-based wallet.
  2. Checks if the public key has funds and if not, directs the user to the Faucet.
  3. Connects to the example zkApp Add smart contract that is already deployed on Devnet (or other network) at a fixed address.
  4. Implements a button that sends a transaction.
  5. Implements a button that requests the latest state of the smart contract.
  6. Deploys the zkApp to GitHub Pages.

Like previous tutorials, you use the provided example files so you can focus on the React implementation itself.

Create a project

You can have the zk project command scaffold the UI for your project.

  1. Create or change to the directory where you have write privileges.

  2. Create a project by using the zk project command:

    $ zk project 04-zkapp-browser-ui

    To scaffold the UI for your project with the Next.js React framework, select next:

      ? Create an accompanying UI project too? …
    > next
  3. If you are prompted to install the required Next packages, press y to proceed.

  4. Select yes at the ? Do you want to set up your project for deployment to Github Pages? … prompt.

  5. If you are prompted to install the required Next packages, press y to proceed.

  6. Select Yes at the ? Would you like to use TypeScript with this project? prompt.

  7. Select No at the ? Would you like to use ESLint with this project? prompt.

  8. Select No at the ? Would you like to use Tailwind CSS with this project? prompt.

    Your UI is created in the project directory: 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui with two directories:

    • contracts: The smart contract code
    • ui: Where you write the UI code

For this tutorial, you run commands from the root of the 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui directory. You work in the ui/src/pages directory on TypeScript files that contain the UI code.

Each time you make updates, then build or deploy, the TypeScript code is compiled into JavaScript in the build directory.

Install the dependencies

When you ran the zk project command, your UI was created in the project directory: 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui. The project has two sub-directories:

  • contracts: The smart contract code
  • ui: The UI application code

The dependencies in each sub-directory are installed automatically by the zkApp CLI.

Create a repository

To interact with a deployed zkApp UI on GitHub pages, you must create a GitHub repository.

Go ahead and create your repository now. For other projects, you can name your GitHub repository anything you want. For this tutorial, use 04-zkapp-browser-ui.

  1. Go to
  2. For the Repository name, enter 04-zkapp-browser-ui.
  3. Optionally, add a description and a README.

Your project repository is ready to use.

Preparing the project

Start by deleting the default file that comes with a new project so that you have a clean project to work with.

  1. In the 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui directory:

    $ rm src/pages/

Build the default contract

This tutorial uses the default contract Add that is always scaffolded with the zk project command.

To build the default contract so that it can be used with UI application, run this command from the 04-zkapp-browser-ui/contracts directory:

$ npm run build

Outside of this tutorial, the workflow for building your own zkApp is to edit files in the contracts folder, rebuild the contract, and then access it from your UI application code.

Implement the UI

The UI application has several components: the React page itself and the code that uses o1js.

Download helper files

Because o1js code is computationally intensive, it's helpful to use web workers. A web worker handles requests from users to ensure the UI thread isn't blocked during long computations like compiling a smart contract or proving a transaction.

  1. Download the helper files from the examples/zkapps/04-zkapp-browser-ui directory on GitHub:

  2. Move the files to your local 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/src/pages directory.

  3. Review each helper file to see how they work and how you can extend them for your own zkApp.

    • zkappWorker.ts is the web worker code
    • zkappWorkerClient.ts is the client code that is run from React to interact with the web worker

Download the main browser UI logic file

The example project has a completed app. The file is the entry file for your application and contains the main logic for the browser UI that is ready to deploy to GitHub Pages.

  1. Download the example file.

  2. Move the file to your local 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/src/pages directory.

Environment configuration

  • In 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/src/pages/

    let transactionFee = 0.1;
    const ZKAPP_ADDRESS = 'B62qpXPvmKDf4SaFJynPsT6DyvuxMS9H1pT4TGonDT26m599m7dS9gP';

    The smart contract that the UI interacts with in this tutorial has been deployed to the Devnet and the public key is stored in the ZKAPP_ADDRESS variable. If you experience problems with the deployed contract, you can deploy the Add contract included in the contracts folder yourself to any other network. When deployed, replace ZKAPP_ADDRESS variable with the public key of your own deployed zkApp.

  • In 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/src/pages/zkappWorker.ts

    setActiveInstanceToDevnet: async (args: {}) => {
    const Network = Mina.Network(
    console.log('Devnet network instance configured');

    Depending on the network you are going to work with you might want to consider changing the GraphQL endpoint in the setActiveInstanceToDevnet function.
    Mind the supported networks by Auro Wallet though.

Add state

This 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/src/pages/ statement creates mutable state that you can reference in the UI. The state updates as the application runs:

const [state, setState] = useState({
zkappWorkerClient: null as null | ZkappWorkerClient,
hasWallet: null as null | boolean,
hasBeenSetup: false,
accountExists: false,
currentNum: null as null | Field,
publicKey: null as null | PublicKey,
zkappPublicKey: null as null | PublicKey,
creatingTransaction: false

To learn more about useState hooks, see built-in React hooks in the React API reference documentation.

zkApp setting up

This 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/src/pages/ code adds a functions to set up zkApp:

  • The Boolean hasBeenSetup ensures that the react feature useEffect is run only once.
    To learn more about useEffect hooks, see useEffect in the React API reference documentation.

  • This code also sets up your web worker client that interacts with the web worker running o1js code to ensure the computationally heavy o1js code doesn't block the UI thread.

Load web worker and setup Mina active instance

setDisplayText('Loading web worker...');
console.log('Loading web worker...');
const zkappWorkerClient = new ZkappWorkerClient();
await timeout(5);

setDisplayText('Done loading web worker');
console.log('Done loading web worker');

await zkappWorkerClient.setActiveInstanceToDevnet();

Connect Auro Wallet and setup fee payer account

const mina = (window as any).mina;

if (mina == null) {
setState({ ...state, hasWallet: false });

const publicKeyBase58: string = (await mina.requestAccounts())[0];
const publicKey = PublicKey.fromBase58(publicKeyBase58);

console.log(`Using key:${publicKey.toBase58()}`);
setDisplayText(`Using key:${publicKey.toBase58()}`);

setDisplayText('Checking if fee payer account exists...');
console.log('Checking if fee payer account exists...');

const res = await zkappWorkerClient.fetchAccount({
publicKey: publicKey!
const accountExists = res.error == null;

Import the contract code, instantiate zkApp instance, compile the contract and fetch zkApp state

await zkappWorkerClient.loadContract();

console.log('Compiling zkApp...');
setDisplayText('Compiling zkApp...');
await zkappWorkerClient.compileContract();
console.log('zkApp compiled');
setDisplayText('zkApp compiled...');

const zkappPublicKey = PublicKey.fromBase58(ZKAPP_ADDRESS);

await zkappWorkerClient.initZkappInstance(zkappPublicKey);

console.log('Getting zkApp state...');
setDisplayText('Getting zkApp state...');
await zkappWorkerClient.fetchAccount({ publicKey: zkappPublicKey });
const currentNum = await zkappWorkerClient.getNum();
console.log(`Current state in zkApp: ${currentNum.toString()}`);

Update the state of the React application

hasWallet: true,
hasBeenSetup: true,

Run the React app

Execute the following commands being within the 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/ directory.

  1. To start the development server and serve your UI application at the URL localhost:3000:

    $ npm run dev

    You can also change the default port by starting the dev server with the --port CLI argument. For example, to start the dev server on port 8001, run:

    $ npm run dev -- --port 8001

    The zkApp UI in the web browser shows the current state of the zkApp and has buttons to send a transaction and get the latest zkApps on-chain state.

    Your browser refreshes automatically when you update the source code.

  2. If prompted, request the funds from the Testnet Faucet service to fund your fee payer account.

  3. And in the second terminal window:

    $ npm run ts-watch

    This command starts the installed TypeScript compiler (tsc) with --watch parameter, with the ability to react to compilation status.

Wait for the fee payer account to be funded

Now that the UI setup is finished, a new effect waits for the fee payer account to be funded if it didn't before by checking the account presence in ledger.

Don't forget that if the account has been newly created, it must be funded from the Faucet.

useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (state.hasBeenSetup && !state.accountExists) {
for (;;) {
setDisplayText('Checking if fee payer account exists...');
console.log('Checking if fee payer account exists...');
const res = await state.zkappWorkerClient!.fetchAccount({
publicKey: state.publicKey!
const accountExists = res.error == null;
if (accountExists) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
setState({ ...state, accountExists: true });
}, [state.hasBeenSetup]);

Let UI buttons do some useful work

These functions will be triggered on buttons press.

const onSendTransaction = async () => {
setState({ ...state, creatingTransaction: true });

setDisplayText('Creating a transaction...');
console.log('Creating a transaction...');

await state.zkappWorkerClient!.fetchAccount({
publicKey: state.publicKey!

await state.zkappWorkerClient!.createUpdateTransaction();

setDisplayText('Creating proof...');
console.log('Creating proof...');
await state.zkappWorkerClient!.proveUpdateTransaction();

console.log('Requesting send transaction...');
setDisplayText('Requesting send transaction...');
const transactionJSON = await state.zkappWorkerClient!.getTransactionJSON();

setDisplayText('Getting transaction JSON...');
console.log('Getting transaction JSON...');
const { hash } = await (window as any).mina.sendTransaction({
transaction: transactionJSON,
feePayer: {
fee: transactionFee,
memo: ''

const transactionLink = `${hash}`;
console.log(`View transaction at ${transactionLink}`);


setState({ ...state, creatingTransaction: false });

const onRefreshCurrentNum = async () => {
console.log('Getting zkApp state...');
setDisplayText('Getting zkApp state...');

await state.zkappWorkerClient!.fetchAccount({
publicKey: state.zkappPublicKey!
const currentNum = await state.zkappWorkerClient!.getNum();
setState({ ...state, currentNum });
console.log(`Current state in zkApp: ${currentNum.toString()}`);

Take care of the page markup

let hasWallet;
if (state.hasWallet != null && !state.hasWallet) {
const auroLink = '';
const auroLinkElem = (
<a href={auroLink} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
Install Auro wallet here
hasWallet = <div>Could not find a wallet. {auroLinkElem}</div>;

const stepDisplay = transactionlink ? (
<a href={transactionlink} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" style={{ textDecoration: 'underline' }}>
View transaction
) : (

let setup = (
style={{ fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '1.5rem', paddingBottom: '5rem' }}

let accountDoesNotExist;
if (state.hasBeenSetup && !state.accountExists) {
const faucetLink =
'' + state.publicKey!.toBase58();
accountDoesNotExist = (
<span style={{ paddingRight: '1rem' }}>Account does not exist.</span>
<a href={faucetLink} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">
Visit the faucet to fund this fee payer account

let mainContent;
if (state.hasBeenSetup && state.accountExists) {
mainContent = (
<div style={{ justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<div className={} style={{ padding: 0 }}>
Current state in zkApp: {state.currentNum!.toString()}{' '}
Send Transaction
<button className={styles.card} onClick={onRefreshCurrentNum}>
Get Latest State

return (
<div className={styles.main} style={{ padding: 0 }}>
<div className={} style={{ padding: 0 }}>

The UI has three sections:

  • setup lets the user know when the zkApp has finished loading.
  • accountDoesNotExist gives the user a link to the Faucet if their account hasn't been funded.
  • mainContent shows the current zkApp on-chain state and buttons to let users interact with zkApp.
    The buttons allow the user to create transaction in order to update on-chain zkApp state and refresh the current on-chain zkApp state.

That's it for the code review!

If you've been using npm run dev, you can now interact with the UI application on localhost:3000.

Deploying the application to GitHub Pages

Before you can deploy your project to GitHub Pages, you must push it to a new GitHub repository that you've created at the beginning of this tutorial.

  • The GitHub repo must have the same name as the project name.
  • In this tutorial, the project name is 04-zkapp-browser-ui.
  • The zk project command created the correct project name strings in the next.config.js and src/pages/reactCOIServiceWorker.ts files.

To deploy the UI:

  1. Change to the 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/ directory.

  2. Run the deploy script by executing the following command:

    npm run deploy

Scripts defined in the 04-zkapp-browser-ui/ui/package.json file do the work to build your application and publish it to the GitHub Pages.

After the command completion your zkApp UI will be available at:


where <username> is your GitHub username.


Congratulations! You built a React UI for your zkApp that allows users to interact with deployed smart contract.

You can build UI for your zkApps using other frameworks like SvelteKit and NuxtJS.

You are ready to continue with Tutorial 5: Common Types and Functions to learn about different o1js types you can use in your zkApps.